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Project Type

Case Study


UX/UI Designer

Conducted a design case study exploring what a potential app would look like for an established online retailer. I focused on enhancing the user experience for mobile shoppers as well as exploring UI interactions.
iPhone mockup and swimming in nature scene (Mockuuups Studio).png


UI Library

I began by building out a comprehensive UI Library to serve as the building blocks of the application. This involved identifying icons, styles, and designing my CTAs.

Basic Icons (32px)

Header & Footer

CTA Buttons

Selection & Dropdown Menus

Item Cards

Image Buttons / Menus

UX Design / Screens

Once the pieces were in place, I organized them into the various screens. The content reflects Roam's live website with an emphasis on content and brand identity. 


UI Interactions

Once I had my screens designed, I introduced interactions into the prototype. The users would be on the app to buy clothing, so my main focus throughout was simplicity. The challenge was, how can I explore micro-interactions in without taking away from the ultimate goal of selling clothing?

Shop Pop-up Menu In Header

Gif1 (1).gif

Tap to Shuffle Images

Gif2 (2).gif

Easy-to-use Selectors

and Drop-downs

Gif3 (1).gif

Quick Search


Micro-animated Back Button

Screen Recording 2024-02-21 at 6.53.08 PM.gif

Expandable Filter Menu



Final HiFi Design

After rounds of prototyping, testing, and bug fixing, I landed on a final prototype. The final product is an app fully capable to exploring each page and getting a sense of the user experience of the app without the full functionality of adding an item to the cart and making a purchase. 

Woman working on the phone in office (Mockuuups Studio).png
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